A brief background

I'm a gamer and a software developer. There are few times throughout the day that you will find me away from a keyboard.

I was born in Florida, was raised in Indiana, and earned my Bachelors of Science from Ball State University. Got my first full time in the Chicago suburbs, and moved out to Utah a couple years later.

There is a lot of adventure in my life and I can't wait to see where fate takes me.

What I do

I have a passion for creating software tools to help people with their problems. I take pride in developing software that is both easy to use and function rich.

Over the years I have been involved in many different technology stacks on large and small scale projects. I am a full stack software developer and work well in team environments.

Although a large majority of the work I have done has been for websites, I enjoy all kinds of software development and am open to all kinds of projects.

